Bursting colourfully on to the scene from their home on the South Coast of England, Not Made In China combine a love of uplifting afrobeat melodies and a continuation of a Great British indie-pop lineage that began with artists like The Smiths, Kirsty MacColl and The Stone Roses. They have been signed to Sotones Records since 2013.
Originally formed as a melancholy guitar/piano duo in 2006 by songwriters Tiff Wheaton-Green (Vocals, Guitar) and Gavin Blackhall (Vocals, Bass), NMIC now have a more energetic sound thanks to lead guitarist Matt Musial and drummer Joe Johnston, but the band’s priority has remained very much to provide their melodies with meaningful lyrics which reflect British life.
“A real treasure of a band” (BH One)
“The happiest band Bournemouth” (Hope FM)