Debut release for The Iron Duke
Debut release for The Iron Duke

Big Sotones news this week as we proudly announce we’ll be releasing the debut single of White Ape / The Shakes / General Khaki singer and writer Tommy Mack’s newest project,
Breaking with the brash guitars and scabrous wit of his former band, The Iron Duke makes electro-orchestral pop ballads somewhere between the melodrama of Soft Cell, the melancholy sweep of early
New Order and the bedroom exotica of early Pulp. It’s powerful stuff and quite the change of gears we’re sure you’ll agree.
Tommy Mack released his first single aged 18, built a studio aged 21, fronted several bands and even trod the boards as a stand-up comedian for several years. As singer of General Khaki, he toured with
Babyshambles and The
Maccabees. Pete Doherty once described his jaw as ‘chiselled’ but he’s let himself go a bit since then.
White Ape released a string of EPs through Sotones, championed by
Steve Lamacq, Tom Robinson & John Robb among others. They also turned down a support slot with
Fat White Family. Possibly not their smartest career move.
The Iron Duke’s debut single, ‘Bottle It Up’ faces adversity armed with a Stylophone.. and not much else. Pared-back music for tumultuous times, it’ll bring a smile to your face. Or a grimace. Hey – we’re all just glad to be alive at this point, right?
Bottle It Up is released on Thursday 19th November, on all good music platforms.
(And a few dodgy ones…)